
Are Solar Farms Safe in Residential Areas?

Are Solar Farms Safe in Residential Areas

Renewable energy brings many advantages, so it’s safe to say it’s the future. Because of that, the number of solar farms rapidly increases. More specifically, solar farms are areas filled with many solar panels. 

The goal of their existence is to collect as much solar energy as possible and turn it into electricity. They’re popping out worldwide as more and more people are interested in using them.

Often they’re placed near residential areas, so their safety is questioned. Thus, are solar farms safe in residential areas? You’re in the right place because I have provided all the essentials regarding solar panels and renewable energy. 

Also, if you are interested in more, here, on SolarDorm, you will find out almost everything!

Are Solar Farms Safe in Residential Areas

Are Solar Farms Safe in Residential Areas?

Most people believe that buying a property and living next to a solar farm is dangerous and can negatively affect your health, but that’s far from the truth. 

You have probably heard how cost-effective and eco-friendly solar power is, and hearing that it can be dangerous can be confusing. So, are solar farms safe in residential areas?

The equipment of solar farms might produce electric and magnetic fields (EMFs). But there’s no hard evidence that this radiation might affect human health, mainly because it’s very low. Many appliances in your home radiate the same amount of EMFs or even more than a solar farm.

For example, many things in your home are more dangerous, such as your laptop and TV. Considering this, that solar farm near you isn’t as dangerous as you thought, so you have no reason to worry. Even if you are more sensitive to EMF, the solar panels won’t affect you. 

Solar farms take up a lot of space, which is the only negative thing about them. Thus, you can continue enjoying all of the fantastic benefits of solar farms and energy, and you can live next to it without putting your health in danger.

Also read: Can Solar Energy Be Used in Homes and Businesses?

Solar Farms Myths

You’ve probably heard and read many scary things about solar farms, so it’s time to put a stop to all of them. There are many misconceptions and beliefs regarding solar farms and solar panels, and really, that’s all they are, misconceptions. 

There is no hard evidence that solar farms might endanger your health, so let’s debunk those myths.


As mentioned, although some EMFs might come from the solar farm, they’re so low and weak that they won’t endanger you in any way. 

Therefore, this is not a reason to fear living next to a solar farm; just relax and focus on all the benefits you might get from using solar energy.


Solar farms aren’t noisy. Because the solar panels don’t contain moving parts, living close to a solar farm is calm and quiet. Yes, the inverters might produce some noise, but that noise is so low that you won’t even hear it, so it won’t affect you in any way.

Low efficiency

Another myth about solar farms is that they’re inefficient and can’t provide enough energy, which couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Solar panels, especially solar farms, produce a lot of solar energy. One solar panel can produce up to 350 watts per hour, so imagine how much an entire solar farm produces.

One single solar panel per hourBetween 250 W and 400 W
One single solar panel per dayUp to 2 kWh
One kW solar panel system per yearAround 850 kWh

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) explains every existing myth about solar panels, so you can head there to discover more myths.

Read more: What Causes the Loss of Solar Energy?


Are solar farms safe in residential areas? Yes, living near a solar farm is safe, so you can stop worrying. 

There’s so much to learn about solar panels, farms, and everything related to solar energy, and SolarDorm is the most accurate source of information you can find.

Expand your knowledge from this website here, and start living a cost-efficient and eco-friendly life without fearing that you’ll endanger your health.